*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. These featured interest rates assume a single-family home purchase in Cincinnati, OH, and a borrower with a credit score of 740 and above. View other assumptions by clicking on individual rates. Rates are subject to change without notice.
1 Eligible fixed-rate mortgage loans include First Simplified Conforming, First Simplified Jumbo, NPRA First Simplified Conforming and Jumbo, Physician/Professional, Champ 30, Champ Reno, Community Builder 30 and Jumbo. Eligible on primary residences only. One free interest rate modification permitted within the first 3 years of your loan. Loan must be originated and closed from 1/1/23 - 12/31/23 to qualify. Loan must not be currently past due or have a 30 day past due delinquency in the past 24 months. Client must not be in active bankruptcy. Taxes and insurance requirements still apply. All loans subject to credit review and approval.
2 Eligible on all saleable loan products and on primary residences only. Loan must be originated and closed from 1/1/23 - 12/31/23 to qualify. One-time closing cost discount for refinance permitted within the first 3 years of your loan, but must take place after the first 4 months of your loan. Loan must not have a 30 day past due delinquency in the past 24 months. Client must not be in active bankruptcy. All loans subject to credit review and approval.
Need assistance paying your loan? Please email CCDEarlyIntervention@bankatfirst.com for help or call 800.556.2014.
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All loans are subject to credit review and approval.
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